Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow

Although the golf swing is a major contributor to medial epicondylitis, there are many other repetitive motions such as: swinging a hammer, many hand tools, throwing can cause trauma and injury to the inner forearm muscles. This is the wrist flexor group which attaches at a common tendon called the common flexor tendon that s located on the inside of the elbow at the bump (medial epicondyle). (Fig. 2) Through repetitive flexing, twisting, and grasping of the wrist, these tendons may become inflamed causing pain and tenderness at the inside elbow usually in the distribution. (Fig. 1) You may also have a weakness when grasping, bending, or twisting the wrist. Chiropractic has been shown to help Golfer’s elbow.

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